Privacy Policy

  1. Introduction

Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre (BKRYC) recognizes the importance of safeguarding personal data when dealing with information relating to its members and attendees of its programs and therefore is committed to fully implementing and complying with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act (the “Act”). BKRYC Personal Data Protection Policy set out here explains the procedures and systems in place to comply with the Act (the “Policy”), in respect of personal data as defined under the Act.

  1. Who are we

BKRYC teaches Raja Yoga as a way of experiencing peace of mind and a positive approach to life. It provides opportunities for people from all religious and cultural backgrounds to explore their own spirituality and learn skills of reflection and meditation derived from Raja Yoga. The course is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional care.

Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre is registered under the Registry of Societies in Singapore under UEN number S81SS0087A.

  1. Types of personal data collected

3.1) “Personal data” generally refers to any data, whether true or not, about an individual who is identifiable from the provided data or information to which we have or are likely to have access to. This will include the data from our records which may be updated from time to time.

3.2) When you use our website or in your interaction with us, the personal data we may collect includes: –

I. Data collected directly from you. This may be done through this website, over the phone, by email, or in person when you walk-in for our events. The data collected may include, but is not limited to:

a) Name;
b) Email Address; and
c) Contact number
We need your e-mail address and telephone number so that we may contact you if we have more information for you regarding the events you have registered for.

II. Data collected by automated means

Various technologies may be used on our website order to make them more user-friendly, effective and secure. Such technologies may lead to data being collected automatically by us or by third parties on behalf of us. This data does not generally, but may, contain a user’s personal data. Examples of such technologies include:

a) Web analytics.

Web analytics is the term given to a method for collecting and assessing the behavior of visitors to websites. This includes the analysis of traffic patterns in order, for example, to determine the frequency of visits to certain parts of a website and to have more information on session durations. BKRYC contain web analytic services provided by Google Analytics. This means that when you visit our Website, a cookie will be stored on your computer or mobile device, except when your browser settings do not allow for such cookies. Cookies are essentially small text files that are stored on your computer’s hard drive or your user device by your web browser If you do not wish information about your behavior at our Website being collected and assessed by Google Analytics, you can install the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. This add-on instructs the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) to not send your site visit information to Google Analytics.

  1. Disclaimer regarding Photo taking and Audio/Video recording of Events

When you participate in a BKRYC event, you will be participating in an event where photography, video and audio recording may occur. By participating in a BKRYC event, you consent to photography, audio recording, video recording and their release for advertising, inclusion on our websites, or for any other purpose(s) that the BKRYC deems fit to use.

  1. Purpose for collection, use and disclosure

The personal data we collect will be used for one or more of the following purposes:

a) operational planning and implementation of activities and programs such as seminars, workshops, courses, retreats and talks
b) communication of activities, programs and other centre-related information which can be done through newsletters or E-flyers
c) notification in the event there is any changes with regards to the services we provide
d) photos/videos taken during events may be used marketing purposes and inclusion on our websites
e) to enable travel coordination for pilgrims when they visit the headquarter in India

  1. Storage of your personal data

To safeguard your Personal Data, all electronic storage and transmission of Personal Data is secured with appropriate security technologies.

  1. Protection of your data

BKRYC will take precautions and preventive measures to ensure that your personal data is adequately protected and secured in accordance with data protection laws. Appropriate security arrangements will be made to prevent any unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, leakage, loss, damage and/or alteration to or of your personal data. The security of your data is important to us but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

  1. Consent

BKRYC assures that all personal information collected shall be used or disclosed only for the purposes for which it was collected

  1. International Transfer of Data

BKRYC operates globally, as such, if you are a participant from other countries attending our courses and events, your personal data will be stored in our database in Singapore. The data protection rules here may be different from that of your country. You acknowledge that your country may not be subject to similar data protection laws to the ones in our jurisdiction and you will not be able to seek redress under our jurisdiction’s privacy laws if necessary.

If you are from the European Economic Area (EEA), your personal information will be processed according to the standard data protection clauses approved by the European Commission in the GDPR acts.

  1. Disclosure

In the course of processing personal data for the above purposes, BKRYC may disclose such personal data to third parties within or outside Singapore such as government organizations or authorities in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:

a) To comply with a legal obligation
b) To protect and defend the rights or property of BKRYC
c) To prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Service
d) To protect the personal safety of users of the Service or the public
e) To protect against legal liability

  1. Retention

BRKYC will retain personal data for as long as it is necessary to serve the purpose for which it has been collected. Once the data in BKRYC possession is no longer necessary to serve the purpose for which it was collected, the data will be destroyed or anonymised in a secure manner.

  1. Withdrawal of consent

Should you wish to withdraw or limit your consent to BKRYC collection, use and disclosure of your personal data, please write in with full particulars to our Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) using the contact details provided below:

Data Protection officer details: Serena Ho
Email address:

  1. Updates to this privacy policy

As part of our efforts to ensure that BKRYC properly manages, protects and processes your personal data, we will be reviewing our procedures and processes from time to time. BKRYC may amend the terms of this Privacy Notice at its absolute discretion. Any amended Privacy Notice will be posted on our website, and we will notify you if BKRYC makes any significant changes to this Privacy Notice where required to do so under applicable laws. We recommend that you revisit this Privacy Notice regularly.

  1. Governing law

This Policy is prepared pursuant to the PDPA ( and governed by the laws of Singapore. The EU GDPR ( may also apply to individuals from the EU states who attend our programmes and events.